Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pregnancy Tea

Every pregnant woman has specific needs, but here's a tea that's good for all...

One part Raspberry Leaf
One part Nettle Leaf
Sweetener of choice (I love agave nectar)
Drink at least one cup a day and up to 3 cups a day. It's so easy just to make a big pitcher of iced tea with it.

Benefits of Raspberry Leaf:
-Vitamin rich, including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, easily assimilated calcium and iron, Vitamin B complex, phosphorus, and potassium.
-Prevents miscarriage by toning the uterus
-Eases morning sickness
-Reduces pain during labor and after birth by toning the muscles used during labor. However, it does not counter the pain of cervical dilation.

Benefits of Nettles:
-Reputed to have more chlorophyll than any other herb
-Very rich in all the vitamins necessary for human health and growth, including A, C, D, K, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.
-aids the kidneys
-eases leg cramps and other muscle spasms
-reduces hemorrhoids by strengthening blood vessels
-increases richness and amount of breast milk

There are also lots of herbs that are great for different issues that come up during pregnancy such as strong morning sickness, preventing chronic or threatened miscarriage, folic acid anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and pre-eclampsia. Let me know if you ever need advice in those areas.

Some other VERY helpful supplements:
Beet Root: enriches red blood cells. This is important since a pregnant woman doubles her blood volume.
Wheatgrass: Great for pregnancy backache, excellent source of nutrition.
Papaya enzymes: great for heartburn and indigestion. Don't take Tums or any of those things!

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